The Stuff of Dreams Edwina Currie

In February 2023, I received this email from Edwina Currie.
Wonderful books! Well done. I only wish I was 10 years old again, when I was deep into “My Friend Flicka,” and pestered my parents for riding lessons.
‘The story of the girls, their adventures with their horses, and how their persistence and fortitude sees them to a successful conclusion, is the stuff of dreams.’
As you can see from Edwina’s email, she like so many young girls dreamt of riding/ owning a horse. I had my first pony aged seven and began competing in pony club events aged nine. Like Prince Kyle in the story horses became my passion.
It was no difficult decision therefore to decide on the two breeds of horse I would use in the storyline. Chaney’s horse would be an Arabian, originally bred in the scorching Arabian deserts which allowed them to develop endurance that gives them longevity and the ability to survive anywhere. They are especially valued for their speed, stamina, beauty, intelligence, and gentleness. The fastest recorded time of an Arabian horse is 65 MPH. Known for their success in endurance racing they can run 50- 100 miles if not galloping at the maximum speed.
Strange thinking back to school days when I was known as that odd horse girl, and I would read horse encyclopaedias for fun. Now I want to share with you why I choose the Andalusian breed for Dakota’s horse.
Firstly, it was because of their appearance. The Andalusian has a handsome head with expressive kind eyes, a broad forehead, and a slightly rounded Roman nose. They are particularly known for their incredibly long and shiny manes and tails, which are often seen braided. Andalusian horses have thick strong necks that handsomely arch to give them an elegant attractive appearance. The Andalusian shows a smooth extended gait that is easy to ride. However, unusual to most breeds, the Andalusian also has a very showy and high-stepping gait. Because of this impressive front action, the Andalusian is a frequent competitor in the dressage arena and sadly in the bullfighting arena too. Finally, this breed has a great temperament they are usually calm and docile horses, but have an energetic side to them as well.
These were my reasons for the choice of breed. I hope you have learned more about them from the information I have given.
If you have time let me know about your horse. I would love to hear from you.

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