Unexpected pleasures.

One of the joys of writing (which I had not anticipated) has been receiving feedback from readers. It's a wonderful feeling when you are able to read the thoughts and opinions of people who have decided to purchase your book and that they really have enjoyed it. I went onto the Waterstone website yesterday and was thrilled to see a review which had been posted. It read,'

Ride The Wind follows the exploits of two sisters, Dakota, and Chaney, as they stumble into a magic world of fairies and talking animals. They are in training for the Australian National Endurance event but end up on a mission to save the life of the good fairy Aislinn. Aislinn has been poisoned by the wicked fairy Alba and is close to death. The author succeeds in capturing a charming and at times frightening magical world- strong points include the detailed spell cast by Alba and the description of how she obtained the ingredients. I also loved her elucidation of the Jacaranda trees coming to life. As someone with brothers and sisters I appreciated the portrayal of sibling rivalry and identified with the ultimate close bond to which siblings are bound. There is humour to be enjoyed too, for example Chaney sneaking ‘bad’ food into her mother’s supermarket trolley or feeding sprouts to the dogs. The illustrations are excellent, and the details given about Australian wildlife and plants as well as the tradition/history of endurance riding, really help transport the reader to the other side of the world. I loved it -had everything I could have asked for: horses, dogs, fairies, magic creatures who can talk, and bucket loads of adventure. This has got to be one of the best books I’ve ever read. Bring on the sequel I say.
The writer will be pleased to know that there is indeed a sequel. Entitled Ride the Waves it will be published later this year.

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