Why Simba and Enzo feature in the book.

The Newfoundland may be a very large dog, but, in reality they are gentle giants with the most docile and kind of natures. Simba and Enzo were my family’s pet dogs at the time of writing, and I could not have been more impressed by their willingness to please and the genuine affinity and affection they showed towards my two granddaughters. Although Simba was getting on in years, he was incredibly protective of the girls, whilst Enzo liked nothing more than to play interactive games with them. I had the most fun with both dogs when swimming in the sea. Equipped with webbed feet they are powerful swimmers and instead of doing a normal doggie paddle like most dogs, Newfies do more of a breaststroke which gives them their prowess and drive in the water.
Much to my chagrin, I must confess to having developed a fear of sharks, possibly due to the film Jaws, which I must have watched a million times over, but also due to knowledge of actual attacks off beaches in Western Australia. I felt far more confident with Enzo on one side of me and Simba on the other, like two enormous pilot fish guarding my passage through the water. My thought being that if a shark was to attack it would have to eat a giant fur ball first!
They were exceptional dogs and dearly loved.

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