Pony Club Australia Ride the Wind Competition

I was delighted yesterday to receive confirmation from Dr Catherine Ainsworth CEO of the Australian pony club, that a Ride the Wind competition for pony club members is currently taking place. Winners will each receive a complimentary copy of Ride the Wind, together with Ride the Wind stationery.

I also look forward to receiving entries to my own art competition (details on my website)  which will run from April to December this year. Winners from each of the three age groups will receive a complimentary copy of the sequel, entitled 'Ride the Waves'.

Both Chaney and Dakota are excited at the prospect of being on the judging panel. Chaney in particular is a talented artist herself. I will be so pleased to present copies of the sequel, entitled 'Ride the Waves' to the five entrants chosen as age group winners.

 As a child, encouraged by my father, I would spend hours sketching, and I particularly liked doing water colour paintings of my favourite wildflowers. However, as I got older, painting and drawing horses became my passion. As an A level art student I loved learning all about Edgar Degas, the French impressionist, famous for his paintings of racehorses. One vivid memory I have as a sixth former studying the History of Art was a visit to the National Gallery in London and being able to admire and see close up, the famous painting of the horse Whistlejacket, by the English artist, George Stubbs. 


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