The book launch for my latest novel-The Satin Moth will be held on Saturday, October 14th at the Castle Bookshop in Ludlow. The launch will run from 12noon until 2pm. Copies of Ride the Wind will also be available on the day. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about either book.

I hope readers of The Satin Moth will find cause to consider four key aspects/themes I wished to address with this novel.

·     The Slave trade, the capturing, selling, and buying of enslaved persons. Slavery has existed since ancient times and sadly even today, this despicable practice still continues in many countries around the world.

·     The connection between the Roman Catholic faith and Voodooism, particularly in regard to shared beliefs.

·     How events in life can make even the most devout person question their religious convictions.

·     Do we reach a point when retribution, revenge for criminal deeds, no matter how heinous, becomes unacceptable?

In recent months, following the ‘Black Lives Matter Campaign’ I believe the storyline is both current and evocative and will be of interest to those of us who wish to see major changes in society. This book has been dedicated to all those whose lives have been blighted by slavery.


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