Contact from leading book promoter based in New York.

Earlier this week I received an email from Brian Feinblum an award-winning book blogger. He had seen my book - Ride the Wind - displayed at a recent Book Fair and wished to connect with me to discuss its further promotion. I'm hoping we will be able to set up a Zoom meeting to discuss the possibility of arranging interviews with radio shows and podcasts- or other news media. I'm also hoping he will be interested in promoting my novel - The Satin Moth -which has already received splendid reviews from several online book review sites. Based on the slave trade of the 17th and 18th century this book champions the principles displayed in the works of J B Priestley-that human life is precious and that all men are born equal. As we switch on our TV sets today and watch the horrors of war unfolding before our eyes, horrors which dominate the news, Priestley's principles could not be more relevant.

I was inspired to write The Satin Moth after visiting Penrhyn Castle in North Wales some years ago. At that time the castle had a slavery exhibition on display down in their dungeons. I was so shocked by some of the artifacts that I was driven to write this story. I feel overwhelmed at the moment by what I am seeing taking place so tragically in the world today, so much so that ideas for meaningful storylines are flowing. The old adage- an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind, is ringing in my head!

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