I am excited to be attending the Kington Horse Show on Saturday, September 9th 2023. Following my successful day at the Berriew Show where a huge interest was shown in both my books - Ride the Wind and The Satin Moth, I'm looking forward once again to interacting with my readers. There really is nothing better than positive feedback, and it's lovely just to meet with members of the public and be able to share my passion for horses with like-minded people. I thoroughly enjoyed my day at Berriew, in particular meeting Angela who bought both books and May - an avid reader - with whom I discussed the virtues of several authors we both enjoy reading. Towards the end of the afternoon, two ladies arrived desperate to have a go at playing the didgeridoo's on display and purchased on one of my many visits to Western Australia. Sadie had little success, but Penny was incredible. On just her second attempt the sound she made reverberated around the show ground, even an actual Aboriginal shaman would have been proud. But what made the day so enjoyable was my trip down memory lane - watching young boys and girls competing in the various pony events. How I loved my first Shetland pony, despite her tendency to suddenly stop midway through a race to eat grass. Cannot wait to watch the show jumping events at Kington and looking at the programme there's going to be some stiff competition. Join me if you can.

Also, I heard today from Pony Club Magazine - they are running a competition to win copies of my book. I look forward to contacting the winners.

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