Post by Sandra Engelmeyer » 07 Nov 2024, 09:09
[Following is an official review of "The Resurrection Men" by Jennie Dodd.]
4 out of 5 stars
It’s a gruesome tale with the feel of a classic.
The Resurrection Men by Jennie Dodd centres around a small town near Edinburgh. Archie, a laid-off mine worker, desperately tries to make ends meet for his family. In an attempt to keep his family out of the workhouse, he turns to body snatching. The book follows along as Archie attempts to keep his family safe and out of poverty, while his guilt and police bear down.
Dodd thoroughly researched this book. It was believable with the setting and characters. The storytelling felt almost like a Dickens book, which added greatly to the overall tone of the book. While the specific situations the characters found themselves in were from that particular time period, the over-arching themes still hold weight today.
The only critique I have for this book is the ending. It wasn’t a bad ending, but just not the one I was hoping for, which is a testament to Dodd’s writing and character-building. I found myself rooting so hard for certain characters and desperately hoping for the best. The best stories, though, have fitting endings, not necessarily the ones you wish for.
There are some trigger warnings for potential readers. The book has violence, domestic and sexual assault, and murder. The scenes were not at all graphic and focused on stating that these events happened. However, if these are sensitive topics, I would advise the reader to move on to another book.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. The pace and tone were perfect for the setting and characters. The characters were believable, and I found myself rooting for my favourite ones. I wish there was a different ending, but such is life. The only thing bringing down the rating was the number of grammatical errors I found while reading. I rate this book four out of five stars.
Please note that since this review was published all grammatical errors have been corrected.
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