School and Library Presentations

For any school using my book 'Ride the Wind' as a class reader or any library stocking my books, I am happy to attend (free of charge) to deliver a workshop/presentation designed to encourage creative writing. These consist of a PowerPoint presentation (I have my own screen and projector), readings from the text, combined with entertaining activities guaranteed to engage any audience.  I love using drama activities, such as mirroring, hot seating and traffic lights for example and firmly believe in the power of drama to enhance literacy skills and build confidence.  As the mother of a dyslexic child I am passionate about assisting children with learning difficulties.

Drama-based pedagogy (DBP) uses active and dramatic approaches to engage students in academic, affective and aesthetic learning through dialogic meaning-making in all areas of the curriculum (Dawson & Lee, 2016).

I have a variety of presentations/workshops at my disposal and can cater for wide-ranging age groups-primary through to secondary. I like to liaise with teachers I\C classes to discuss specific learning objectives, whether they require emphasis on developing understanding of punctuation e.g. the use of speech marks, or writing techniques, e.g. the use of assonance or alliteration. As an illustrator myself I am also happy to discuss the use of illustrations in children's books.

Please email me for further details at:

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